Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

Monday, 9 August 2010

Music Theory Class
Today, as soon as I got in the music room, I put my friend's file from my USB to the school computer. She asked me to help saving it after she found it herself. This is to prepare for today's singing assessment. After that, we took our absences as usual and then the assessment start. When it was my turn, I sang "Heal the World" by Michael Jackson. I think I did it better than the last time I did it. Mr. Herry agreed on this but I still have to improve more on the confidence so that I could make my voice a bit louder. Then, we talked about our upcoming music presentation. We were divided into groups of 4 people each and then picked a topic. Each group talked about different genre of music. Mines was the reggae genre. For next session, I should prepare my presentation by bringing some materials to class so after the session, we discussed together and decide to bring a laptop tomorrow and had some research on reggae genre of music.
Insturment Class (Piano)
In this session, we were told about our task in term 2 which is to make a composition of our own. We were told on the importance of learning the chords now so that we could later express more on what we want better. Then, we each played the scale. I played the scale two octaves in same direction and two octaves contrary then back again. For next session, I must do the same thing for B major because it is not too fluent when I played it and also minor harmonic scales in 2 octaves, same direction.

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